Saturday 27 July 2019

26th July

Lizards on the patio. Treecreeper on apple tree. Two deer or road to St Sebastian. Bat feeding frenzy around street lamp, I think Pipistrelles and Noctule from size and frequencies on detector.

Well the Canicule is over, 4 days of 30 degrees plus temperatures, It was so hot that I hardly ventured out apart from an early morning trip to the supermarket. Outside apart from the lizards nothing else seemed to so itself during the day the birds making the most of the early morning or evening.

This morning I had to go to La Soutteraine to meet Sharron from the train. She has been back in the UK for a week and is coming back here for the weekend. Her journey was an overnight coach trip to Paris then train down. I hadn't been to La Soutteraine before so I left a little early so I could have a wander around the town. When I got there I parked beside the church in the middle of the town.

Sadly the church is covered in scaffolding but there is a lovely old medieval gatehouse. This is the biggest town I have been to since we got here and there were some interesting shops and bars. 

We drove home, had a little lunch did a shop at the supermarket then went out for a drive to explore a bit more of the countryside. I  haven't done much exploring as I haven't liked leaving the dogs on their own but as it was a lot cooler today it was safe to shut them in the house for a couple of hours. We drove out towards Argenton and looped back via St Sebastian which was when we saw a couple of Fallow deer cross the road. We stopped for a drink at a local bar 'Le Cottage', very odd place, never  sat in a bar full of teddy bears before, sofas covered in throws, feather boa around the lights really odd. We were the only people in there which also made it feel stranger. 

The last couple of nights I have watched a massacre going on outside the front of the house. The is a street light that attracts moths and other insects, this makes it a feeding station for bats. Having finally remembered to get a battery for my detector I picked up feeding calls Ain the mid 20 kHz and 40 kHz ranges. Going from this and the fact that one of the bats is quite large I think there are Noctule and Pipisterelles feeding. 

The other insect story to report is that I had to remove my first Tick from one of the dogs. Bella came in from the garden with what looked like a piece of blue/grey sweetcorn above her eye, I removed it quite easily and all three have now been dosed with an anti tick compound.

The other exciting news is we now have a date for moving into the house, I am not going to announce it here yet as we haven't told members of the family yet, but the end is in sight.

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